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For New Band Students

WELCOME New Band Students!!
Helpful Information for CURRENT 8TH GRADE (will be in 9th grade next school year) Band Members & Parents

Course Registration Information for Rosemount High School Band

Welcome to the pride, excitement and fun of the Rosemount High School Band!!!

Band at Rosemount High School is a respected organization with a strong tradition of musical excellence, prestigious performance invitations, close friendships among band members, source of great pride and personal/musical growth and lots of fun!!! You are joining a "family" of band members in grades 9-12 who will be your friends and help you make your experiences and education the best it can be and very memorable during your years at RHS!

Band Students Excel in the Classroom - A continuing tradition in the RHS band program has been excellence in the classroom. The numbers are almost staggering. Last year, five of the top ten freshmen were band students, and the Valedictorian and Salutatorian of the senior class were all band members. In addition, over 65% of the National Honor Society students in our school are in band. Current research has shown a direct relationship between participation in music, intelligence, and success in the classroom.

Band Opportunities for Freshman at RHS
1.) Concert Band (Trimester 1, 2 & 3)
Most freshmen will register for this band class, which meets daily and presents one concert each trimester, no audition!

2.) Marching Band (Trimester 1)
Current 8th grade students need to audition for their Freshman year.  
No Auditions for students in 9th-11th grades. 

Auditions occur:  at RMS on Thursday, January 13 (after school in the RMS Band Area) 
and at SHMS on Friday, January 14 during the day.

The audition consists of:  Lesson Book Material and we will ask you to demonstrate mark time (we will teach you this in the audition – it’s easy!).

•Join the PRIDE, EXCITEMENT & FUN of the 14-time Minnesota State Champion RHS Marching Band!  Some Freshmen may be interested in this exciting and busy elective band class (many students may wish to wait until they are in 10th Grade to enroll in Marching Band – NO AUDITION!).  Carefully examine the time commitment outside of school and consider the musical challenges of Marching Band.  All members must commit to attending all rehearsals & performances.

This time commitment involves:
• Rehearsals begin in mid-July and continue through Labor Day (four nights per week, 5-9 PM)
• Required rehearsals that occur the last two full weeks of July
• Monday and Thursday 5:30-8:30 PM rehearsals during September, October and Early November
• 14 Performances during September, October and possibly November
• One - Two overnight/out of town performance trips (St. Louis, MO/ Indianapolis, IN and other destinations), and several weekend Metro area competitions 
• 134th Tournament of Roses Rose Parade Trip to Pasadena, CA from December 28, 2022  – January 3, 2023.

• Total cost of Marching Band - TBD

• Many opportunities to participate in proven money-making fundraisers – such as SCRIP, detailed information available online:
• A complete calendar of rehearsals /performances - RHS Band Website:

 “I was in my high school’s marching band. It was a lot of hard work but incredibly fun. I will always be a fan of marching bands!” -Steven Spielberg, legendary film producer

3.) Pep Band(s) (Co-Curricular)
Pep Band occurs outside of the school day during the winter season, and is:
•A primary opportunity for Band members to earn and accumulate “Varsity Letter” points towards earning a Varsity Letter in Band (service to the school)
 •A fun and “less formal” opportunity to perform in public at school/athletic events, playing pop music and rock tunes!!

4.) Jazz Band(s) (Co-Curricular)
There are 4 jazz bands that rehearse weekly, after school, December-March.  Jazz 3 and Jazz Blue requires no audition.  Jazz 1 & 2 are audition only.  

5.) Many Small Ensembles 
Percussion Ensemble, Brass Choir, Clarinet Choir, Flute Choir, Saxophone Ensemble, etc.
(Co-Curricular) Percussion Ensembles meet both during band classes and outside of the school day depending on the interest of the individual student, December - May.  Percussion Ensemble travels to regional percussion festivals to perform with well-known percussion artists and teachers.  The other ensembles meet outside of school as scheduled by students, typically 6-8 weeks prior to the annual Solo & Ensemble Contest

High School “Arts Standard” Requirement
All RHS students are required to take one class in the “Arts” at some point during their high school years.  Enrollment in any RHS Band will fulfill this state mandated requirement.

How to Fit in All the Classes You Need
One of the challenges in choosing classes for your freshman year at RHS is fitting all of the courses that look exciting into seven periods. New students soon realize that five periods are filled with required courses leaving only two periods for elective classes. The solution to the puzzle lies in the fact that in the junior and senior year, students have less required classes and more elective opportunities. Band students often delay other electives until 11th and 12th grade. This allows them to make better class choices based upon their plans after high school and "first hand" information of various course offerings. In addition, some students participate in “zero hour” classes and utilize other unique options to fit all of the classes in that interest them.  Recent RHS Band graduates were accepted at such prestigious colleges and universities as Yale, Northwestern, Purdue, Stanford, Indiana, Michigan, Notre Dame, Harvard, St. Olaf, Concordia, Luther, Carleton, MIT, Air Force Academy, West Point, USC, University of Minnesota and many others.

9th Grade Course Registration:
            Trimester 1                             Trimester 2                             Trimester 3
Class 1 Required English                 Required English                  Required English
Class 2 Required Math                     Required Math                      Required Math
Class 3 Required Phy Ed                  Required Phy Ed                   Required Phy Ed
Class 4 Required Science                 Required Science                    Required Science
Class 5 Required Soc. Studies         Required Soc. Studies           Required Soc. Studies 
Class 6 Elective                                  Elective                                   Elective
Class 7 Elective - BAND                  Elective - BAND                     Elective - BAND

10th Grade Course Registration:
            Trimester 1                             Trimester 2                             Trimester 3
Class 1 Required English                 Required English                  Required English
Class 2 Required Math                     Required Math                      Required Math
Class 3 Required Wellness               Required Safety Ed               Required Phy Ed
Class 4 Required Science                  Required Science                  Required Science
Class 5 Required Soc. Studies          Required Soc. Studies          Required Soc. Studies 
Class 6 Elective                                  Elective                                   Elective
Class 7 Elective - BAND                   Elective - BAND                   Elective - BAND 

11th Grade Course Registration:
            Trimester 1                             Trimester 2                             Trimester 3
Class 1 Required English                 Required English                  Required English
Class 2 Required Soc. Studies         Required Soc. Studies          Required Soc. Studies 
Class 3 Required Math                     Required Math                      Required Math
Class 4 Required Science                 Required Science                   Required Science
Class 5 Required Phy Ed                  Elective                                  Elective
Class 6 Elective                                  Elective                                   Elective
Class 7 Elective - BAND                   Elective - BAND                   Elective – BAND

12th Grade Course Registration:
            Trimester 1                             Trimester 2                             Trimester 3
Class 1 Required English                 Required English                   Required English
Class 2 Required Soc. Studies         Required Soc. Studies            Required Soc. Studies 
Class 3 Elective                                  Elective                                    Elective
Class 4 Elective                                  Elective                                    Elective
Class 5 Elective                                  Elective                                    Elective
Class 6 Elective                                  Elective                                    Elective
Class 7 Elective - BAND                  Elective - BAND                     Elective – BAND

Rosemount High School Tradition of Excellence
The RHS band program continues to be recognized as one of the outstanding band programs in the Midwest. The Wind Ensemble was featured at a North Central Division Music Convention (MENC) and has performed by invitation at several Minnesota State Music Conventions (MMEA). Many students from the RHS Band program have been selected to Minnesota All-State Band, Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble. Past performance highlights for the marching band include performing in the 2014 Tournament of Roses – Rose Parade in Pasadena, CA and the 2017 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City.  The band will once again be marching in the Rose Parade in January 2023.  Additional past performances and appearances include: Minnesota's Prep Bowl, NFL Super Bowl XXVI, 1991 Baseball World Series, European Tour, Disney World-Orlando, Universal Studios-Orlando, and numerous NFL Vikings & Green Bay Packers football games and Minnesota Twins baseball games. The RHS Marching Band has earned 14 Minnesota state marching band championships, 10 Minnesota State Fair Grand Championship awards, and is a 16-time finalist on the “national stage” at Bands of America events including being a Semi-finalist at the 2021 Bands of America Grand National Championships in November, 2021.  Our annual marching band festival is one of the largest and most well attended festivals of its kind in Minnesota, attracting over 4,500 spectators last Fall!  

The RHS Marching Band is excited to represent the State of Minnesota, the Community of Rosemount and Rosemount High School in the most prestigious performance venue available to any high school marching band – the 134th Tournament of Roses Parade, which occurred January 2, 2023, in Pasadena, California.  One million spectators on the parade route witnessed this event live and 300+ million people watched this event on live TV around the world.

Band Trips
The RHS Band program participates periodically in a variety of band trips traveling to exciting destinations and performing in prestigious venues all over the nation and world!  We typically plan a “big trip” every 3 years, thus every band member has at least one opportunities to participate in a major band trip.  These trips are optional (certainly not required) and we offer all students many fundraising opportunities to assist in paying for band trips.  The trips are well balanced with a mix of performing, educational and FUN activities!  They are also well chaperoned with adult educators who know the students well and can make the trip safe, fun and memorable!  The trips occur during Spring Break, so students do not miss any classes. Past trips have included these destinations:  Spain, Puerto Rico, Honolulu, Hawaii; Beijing & Shanghai, China; Orlando, Florida; Europe; and many other fun and exciting American cities. 
Continuing our “once every three-year trip cycle” this Spring Break in 2022 we are going to HAWAII!!!  The next one will be spring 2025.

Why Band?
In today's society there is much conversation about school curriculum, and the use of academic time. With an emphasis on "back to basics," it becomes increasingly more important to focus on Band as it relates to this ongoing educational discussion.  Why should a young person join the Band, or continue participating in Band? What will it mean to her/his life?  Several recent research studies have shown that music education instills students with responsibility, discipline, maturing social skills, communication and analytical skills. Music students tend to possess the qualities that employers consider essential. Simply put, learning a musical instrument is a positive preparation for life.  Music appeals to the part of the mind that opens new horizons. The study of music supports wonderment, imagination, appreciation and sensitivity. This creativity leads to an inventive thinking style allowing the individual greater personal choices.  Music is a language unto itself. It allows the human to experience and express feelings and personal understandings generated from the soul, unlike any other form of communication.  Music is one of the few disciplines that require the individual to access both the cognitive and affective sides of the mind. Critical assessment, the ability to conceptualize and respond to any given situation, is the foundation of intelligence as it applies to living a full rich life, and music is a pathway to this intellectual pattern.  One of the keys to success is completion of the tasks at hand. Positive, productive living is based on the establishment of habits of tenacity and personal persistence; commitment. In music, commitment is fundamental. It becomes a part of the musician's personality and transfers to every avenue of life.  Participation at the level of excellence is not a personal preference in music, it is a requisite. The musician quickly discovers that it is not the destination, but the journey that counts. It is not the product, but the process. The joy of music generates further growth and understanding of our very existence.  The Rosemount High School Band program is a unique organization whose purpose is to provide these life-expanding educational opportunities to students so they can further their skills and nurture personal growth and self-appreciation through an array of musical activities and events embracing all aspects of instrumental music education, (Concert Bands, Marching Band, Jazz Bands, Summer Band Camp, Broadway music theater Pit Band, On Stage, numerous solo & ensemble opportunities, Color Guard, Percussion Ensemble, travel opportunities and Pep Bands).

Interesting Facts:
Students with coursework and/or experience in music performance classes scored higher on the SAT College Entrance Tests in 2015: 10%-12% higher on both the verbal and math portions of the exam for music performance students, compared to students with no music participation.
            - 2015 Profile of SAT Program Test Takers, The College Entrance Examination Board, Princeton, New Jersey 

Data from a recent National Education Longitudinal Study of showed that music participants received more academic honors and awards than non-music students, and that the percentage of music participants receiving A's, A's/B's, and B's was higher than the percentage of non-participants receiving those grades.
            - National Center for Education Statistics, Washington DC  

The College Board identifies the arts as one of the six basic academic subjects students need in order to succeed in college.        
            -   Academic Preparation for College - The College Board, NYC

Secondary students who participated in band or orchestra reported the lowest lifetime and current use of all substances (alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs). 
            - Texas Commission on Drug and Alcohol Abuse Report. Reported in Houston Chronicle 

Nearly 100% of past winners in the prestigious Siemens Westinghouse Competition in Math, Science and Technology (for high school students) play one or more musical instruments. This led the Siemens Foundation to host a recital at Carnegie Hall in 2004, featuring some of these young people, after which a panel of experts debated the nature of the apparent science/music link.       
             –   The Midland Chemist (American Chemical Society) 

The arts create jobs, increase the local tax base, boost tourism, spur growth in related businesses (hotels, restaurants, printing, etc.) and improve the overall quality of life for our cities and towns. On a national level, nonprofit arts institutions and organizations generate an estimated $37 billion in economic activity and return $3.4 billion in federal income taxes to the U.S. Treasury each year.       
            -   American Arts Alliance Fact Sheet

The very best engineers and technical designers in the Silicon Valley industry are, nearly without exception, practicing musicians.       
            -  Grant Venerable, "The Paradox of the Silicon Savior," 

 “Music has a great power for bringing people together. With so many forces in this world acting to drive wedges between people, it’s important to preserve those things that help us experience our common humanity.” 
    – Ted Turner, Turner Broadcasting System

 “Music is one way for young people to connect with themselves, but it is also a bridge for connecting with others. Through music, we can introduce children to the richness and diversity of the human family and to the myriad rhythms of life.”   
            –   Daniel A. Carp, Eastman Kodak Company Chairman and CEO

"We must encourage our children in such pursuits as music education. In addition to learning the valuable lesson that it takes hard work to achieve success, no matter what the arena, music education can provide students with a strong sense of determination, improved communication skills, and a host of other qualities essential for successful living."
             - Edward H. Rensi, President & Chief Operating Officer - USA, McDonald's Corporation

 “The things I learned from my experience in music in school are discipline, perseverance, dependability, composure, courage and pride in results. . . Not a bad preparation for the workforce!”
            - Gregory Anrig - President, Educational Testing Service

 “Music Education aids students in skills needed in the workplace: flexibility, the ability to solve problems and communicate; the ability to learn new skills, to be creative and innovative, and to strive for excellence.”
            - Joseph M. Calahan, Director of Corporate Communications, Xerox Corporation

 “Involvement in the arts is close to the center of a nation's purpose - and is a test to the quality of a nation's civilization.”       
            -    John F. Kennedy


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